What inspired you to join Mirvac's Board?
When Chairman John Mulcahy first told me about his goals for Mirvac, I was immediately interested. Right from the start it was clear Mirvac had a commitment to building a seriously diverse Board that brought together people with a range of professional, social and life experiences. During my interview for the position at Mirvac, John produced the ‘This Changes Everything’ brochure, explaining that sustainability is a key part of the business strategy, and how my skills could help in delivering our commitments. This was fantastic to hear–in my experience it’s the first time sustainability has been front and centre of a Board interview process. And when I did my due diligence and looked further into the company, I discovered a culture that was very much consistent with what I’d been told.
What have been your impressions of Mirvac so far?
The Board has already proven to be an interesting, dynamic, diverse group of people, capable of conducting robust, balanced debates, testing ideas and making considered decisions.Removing the gender bias has been key–as one of four women sitting around the table, I feel absolutely ‘normal’, and part of a group that really does represent our customer base.

What drives you in your work, both on Boards and as a consultant?
I believe that good work doesn’t need to be restricted to the not-for-profit sector; a sustainable approach can actually help drive a profitable business. I have a general interest in what makes a ‘good company’, from culture to product. As a Board member, it’s a privilege to be in a position to help shape a company’s direction. I enjoy hearing the variety of perspectives and insights that arise during Board discussions, debating tough issues and determining solutions.
What would you like to help Mirvac achieve?
I’d like to see Sue and the team realise their vision, while keeping the business sound and delivering good results to investors. Ultimately, I’d like to see Mirvac become globally recognised as a leading placemaker–a company working alongside government to produce sustainable, workable, liveable communities.