Key Initiatives
- 40 kW of PV under construction
- Average office portfolio NABERS Energy rating of 5.1
- Initiated major LED lighting upgrades across the Office and Retail portfolios, including large projects at Birkenhead Point, Kawana and Rhodes shopping centres
- Received the FMA’s In-House Provider of FM Services award and the NSW Green Globes 10 Year award

What influenced performance
- The removal of the carbon pricing mechanism in July 2014 reduced electricity prices by approximately 10%
- From FY14 to FY15 the average electricity rate across the Retail and Office portfolios fell through the commencement of a new energy supply contract in January 2015

Key Initiatives
- The office portfolio maintained a 3.8 Star NABERS water rating
- Captured and reused 73,048 kL of recycled water across eight properties
- Tanks to capture 90KL of rainwater were installed in the Rhodes shopping centre, the tanks offset 20,373 kL of potable water usage
- The rain and grey water system at 23 Furzer St delivered 22,389 kL of recycled water

What influenced performance
- In FY14 the investment portfolio decreased by 73,860 m2 equating to a 7% reduction in area
- The FY15 data includes a full year of water usage for 367 Collins, 477 Collins and the Harbourside Centre

Key Initiatives
- The Retail and Office portfolio achieved a combined 48% recycling rate in FY15, this exceeds the FY15 target by 3%
- The PulpMaster organic recycling system was operational at four properties, the system diverted 552.5 tonnes of organic waste from landfill across the four sites
- In July 2015, Harbourside became Mirvac’s first property to send landfill waste to an Alternative Waste Treatment facility. The Suez facility reclaimed 85 tonnes of recyclable materials from the landfill waste in only one month
- Continued to promoted 'Bin Trim' assessments for our Tenants / Retailers – a NSW EPA funded program of waste audits for small to medium enterprises

What influenced performance
- Waste costs have been impacted by increases in landfill taxes / fees